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Elance for Freelance Writers

This is one of those posts where I am going to ask you guys and gals for help. In the past, I have used freelance writing bidding sites such as GetAFreelancer. My main reason for choosing GetAFreelancer is that it is free to sign up. While I am aware that Elance is the leader in this industry, my question is quite simple: is it worth the money?

I have been contemplating giving Elance a try for several months. While I really don’t need to use it to find more work, I have heard conflicting opinions on what it has to offer. Some have told me that Elance brings them a few thousand bucks per month and others say that it is just like GetAFreelancer and you must bid low in order to find clients who are willing to do business.

So what is it? With all of the great comments that I have received on past posts, I figured that my audience is the best people to ask for advice on this topic. If you guys and gals think that Elance is worth the time and money, I may give it a try. And if I do, I will definitely keep everybody up to date on how much work it is bringing me.

Should I sign up for Elance, or will I be wasting my hard earned cash?

11 Comments »Freelance WritingFebruary 8th, 2008

Can you ever be too busy?

As a freelance writer, it is always good to be busy. After all, when you are working you are making money. With that being said, is there ever a time when you can be too busy? This all depends on what you believe in, and how much time you are willing to put into your business.

The more hours you work the more projects you will be able to accept. The question is: how many hours are you willing to put in each day? If you work a traditional eight hour day, you will definitely be able to get a lot of work done. But if you increase this to 12 hours, you are obviously going to have more time for additional projects.

Personally, I do not mind if I am super busy; even if I have to work a few extra hours. I know that there will be months when I can work six hour days, but also times when 12 to 14 hours will be the norm. One thing you should know about being self-employed is that you do not have a set schedule. You can try to stay on the same schedule as often as you can, but it can be difficult no matter how hard you try.

If you feel like you are overwhelmed or about to crack, it is time to start cutting back. Remember, if you begin to get bogged down, all of your work is going to suffer. The end result will be disappointed clients; and that is never a good thing.

What should you do if you are already too busy, but have another project offer on the table? If you are absolutely sure that you do not have the time, the best thing you can do is be honest with the client. Tell them that you would love to help with the project, but you cannot proceed for a few days, a week, or whatever will give you enough time to clear some space. If the client really wants to work with you, they may be willing to wait.

You should never be upset when you have too many projects to work on. This may make for long hours and lots of stress, but it will also increase your freelance writing income. When you tally your income numbers at the end of the month, you will realize that staying busy was not all that bad!

1 Comment »Freelance WritingFebruary 7th, 2008

Should you Guide Freelance Writing Clients?

The question of whether or not you should guide freelance writing clients is up for debate. Some feel that it is their duty to give a client their input, while others would much rather do what they are told. Personally, I think that this question is difficult to answer unless you have a firm grasp on the word “guide.”

What some people call guiding, others may call forceful or vice versa. Make sure that if you are going to offer input that you are not overbearing to the point of coming off as arrogant or a know-it-all. Remember, the client more than likely knows what they want better than you. With that being said, it is your job to take what you are given, and make it work for the client.

Of course, the main exception to this is if your client asks you for help. I have had many of people call me to help them with a project, but not have any idea on what they want to do. They know that my work is solid, and feel that I can also guide them in the right direction as far as the scope and direction of the project is concerned. While I am more than happy to do this for those who ask, I try my best to not push a client in one direction or the next if they are not open to new ideas.

All in all, you need to deal with each client on an individual basis. You will have some that want you to do what you are told, others who ask for help every step of the way, and a few in between who want to collaborate with you to come up with the best idea. There is no way of saying that you should always lend your assistance, or that you should always back off and let the client make the decisions.

Perhaps the best thing that you can do is let each client know that you are willing to help them with any details that they are unsure of. This way, if they want your help they know they can ask for it. And at the same time, you will not come off as arrogant or forceful.

Comments OffFreelance WritingFebruary 6th, 2008

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