As a freelance writer not having enough work is a tough spot to be in. For many, this is a regular occurrence because they find it difficult to locate and land new clients. There is no denying that every freelance writer has to deal with this situation from time to time. Fortunately, you don’t have to let it linger if you know what you are doing. Having a good grip on the industry, as well as your career, will allow you to minimize the time you spend without enough work on your plate.
If you are having a hard time finding work you need to own up to this. Many freelance writers are stubborn and will not admit that they need help. Does this sound like you? If so, break out of this mold and realize that admitting what you are up against is the first step in making things better.
Now that you know what you are facing it is time to devise a game plan. It is one thing to know that you are struggling to find work, but another entirely to do something about it. Simply put, if you are not willing to devise a plan and then follow it you are never going to make it as a freelance writer.
Through my experience, all it takes is one break to get the ball rolling down hill. For instance, if you are going through a drought and haven’t landed a new client in a long time you need to work harder than ever to change this. Once this happens you will regain your confidence, and hopefully use this to your advantage as you move forward. One client can lead to another and so on.
There is nothing wrong with admitting that you have hit a rough patch. Once you face this situation and devise a plan you are closer than ever before to getting back on track.
I talk a lot about how much money you can earn as a freelance writer. The reason for this is simple: this is what most aspiring writers want to know. That being said, you need to ask yourself whether or not you are having fun as a freelance writer. Even if you can earn a lot of money, if you are not having fun you will burnout sooner rather than later.
Simply put, I would not be a freelance writer if I was not having fun. I left my job in the “sales world†because it was becoming boring, and I was tired of dealing with the politics of an office setting. This was not fun for me, so I decided to venture into the freelance writing industry so I could once again feel good about myself and the direction of my career.
What makes freelance writing so much fun? The answer to this question is not going to be the same across the board. For instance, I enjoy freelance writing because I have always been interested in this field. On the other hand, I know freelance writers who have no formal training but fell into writing for one reason or the next. And while they were apprehensive at first, they are now having more fun than ever before. When it comes down to it, you and only you can decide if you enjoy freelance writing.
Just like any career, freelance writing is fun for some people and not so exciting for others. Before you decide to jump into this career full-time you will want to decide how you feel. Will you have fun no matter how much money you are making? If so, there is a good chance that this career is right for you. But if you are only after the money, this is not the best field. It takes time, determination, and some luck to succeed in the long run. If you are having fun, waiting for the money to come is much easier.
While this may sound silly, some freelance writers don’t get their work done because they spend a lot of time browsing the internet, checking email, searching for new jobs, etc. Sure, I want you to read my blog, and I hope you visit everyday, but not if it means you are forgetting to do your work. This is not something that affects every freelance writer, but some struggle greatly in this area.
Believe it or not, this is an issue that I faced during my first year as a freelance writer. Instead of concentrating on the work I had I spent a lot of time searching online job boards and checking my many email accounts. The end result was getting behind the eight ball with the projects I did have, and basically wasting many hours of solid work time every week.
You should definitely set aside time each day for miscellaneous activities such as those discussed above. I take care of these tasks first thing in the morning, during lunch, and after I complete my work for the day. This way I can take my time without having to worry or feel bad that I am not doing my work.
Don’t dismiss this post as a waste of time. It sounds stupid, I know, but you want to make sure that when you are working you are working. And working means completing projects not checking email and browsing the internet.