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The Transition from Part-time to Full-time Freelance Writer

Are you thinking of making the transition from part-time to full-time freelance writer? If so, this is a big leap that you are taking. But if you are ready, it is one that you need to take sooner rather than later.

Here are three tips that can help make your transition to a full-time freelance writing career more enjoyable:

1. Know what you are getting into. Working full-time as a freelance writer is different than doing so as a side job. Make sure you are ready to put in longer days, and that you have enough work to keep you busy. With no other income it is very important that your part-time career scales into a full-time workload as soon as possible.

2. Answer any burning questions before you decide to take the leap. Every freelance writer has different questions. Some want to know how to market more successfully as a full-timer. Others want to know how many hours they will have to put in. There is an answer to every question that is on your mind. You just have to go out and find it. Look online, in books, and talk to other freelancers with full-time experience.

3. Go all in. Some people are so scared of this move that they tip-toe around it and never really dive in. If you are truly ready to become a full-time freelance writer you need to move forward with gusto. When you don’t go all in you are making it more difficult to reach your goals.

The transition from part-time to full-time freelance writer doesn’t have to be overly complicated. The tips above should help you at least a little bit. This is a big career move. Even though you may be scared, once you settle into your full-time freelance writing career you will be glad that you faced your fear and took the leap. 

2 Comments »Freelance WritingJune 22nd, 2009

Are you Happy with your Freelance Writing Career?

I have found it to be weird, but as of late more and more people have been emailing me saying they are unhappy with the direction that their freelance writing career is headed. This is not something that I have ever personally dealt with. I love my career, and have felt this way for many years.

Why are so many people unhappy with their freelance writing career? Here are three common themes that I have been hearing over and over again:

1. I am not making enough money. This is an obvious reason for being unhappy with your freelance writing career. That being said, you should not let your income totally dictate the way you feel about your job. To combat this, set income goals. Once you have these goals in place you can then work diligently to reach them. When you are chasing income related goals it becomes easier to stay on track without getting distracted by miniscule details.

2. My clients are difficult to deal with. While this is common it should not be something that drags you down. As a freelance writer you have the right to work with whoever you want. If a client isn’t treating you right you are allowed to break off the relationship without giving an excuse. If difficult clients are making you miserable you can solve this problem easily enough.

3. I don’t know where to go next. Just like any career you may hit a wall. This doesn’t mean that you are not having success; just that you don’t know what you want to accomplish in the future. Again, this is when you should set goals so you have something to work towards. Your goals can be based around income, new clients, new personal projects, etc. Put something out there that you will have fun chasing.

Are you one of those people who are not happy with their freelance writing career? If so, one of the above themes may sound all too familiar. Use my advice to beat the doldrums and become happy with your freelance writing career once again. 

2 Comments »Freelance WritingJune 19th, 2009

Is your Freelance Career getting Boring?

A lot of people get into freelance writing because they are tired of their boring day job. This is just one of the many reasons that I decided on my current career path. But have you ever thought about this: your freelance writing career may get boring as well. This is not something that happens to everybody, but it can definitely affect you at some point in time. Simply put, there are going to be days when your career is far from exciting. Is this going to bother you?

If you notice that everyday of the week is getting boring you need to do something about your career and where it is headed. Every job has its up and downs, but if the boring times become a regular thing you need to make changes right away. You don’t want to get stuck in a long term rut that makes you feel as if your career and future is doomed.

What can I do if I feel bored and on the path to nowhere? Personally, I believe that the best solution is changing things up a bit. For instance, you may be getting bored because every project you take on is the same as the next one. In this case, take the time to search for new types of projects from exciting clients. This alone can help break up the monotony of your day and give you reason to believe that you will be out of your rut in no time at all.

My freelance writing career has been exciting from day one. Sure, I go through boring days but this happens to everyone. The key is to make sure this boredom does not last for a long period of time. If you hit a rut, dig your way out before things get too bad. Keeping your career exciting is essential to your long term success.

Comments OffFreelance WritingJune 18th, 2009

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