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Don’t just talk about becoming a Freelance Writer, Do It

Are you the type of person who talks about something so long that they eventually get tired of it? If so, you don’t want this to happen with freelance writing. Follow this advice: if you want to become a freelance writer you eventually have to stop talking and go for it. I know too many people who missed the boat because they never took the leap. You don’t want to be next – this is a horrible feeling.

Don’t get me wrong, you definitely want to research the freelance writing industry and receive as much advice as you can. But at the same time you can only learn so much before you have to get started. The more you think about something the easier it will become to find a reason for not doing it. In the end, this may hold you back from ever chasing a career as a freelance writer.

How long have you been thinking about becoming a freelance writer? What has been holding you back? Once you answer these two questions you will have a much better idea of where you stand. For instance, if you have been talking about this for a year, but have yet to do anything, something is wrong. You need to change your ways soon or you will never make any progress. You also need to know what has been holding you back. Obviously, some people have a very good reason for not going full steam ahead. Others think they have a reason, but really don’t.

Don’t continue to talk about becoming a freelance writer. Instead, take action. You probably have all the knowledge you need for the time being. As you start your career you can continue to learn and grow as a person and professional. When you decide to “go for it” you are closer than ever to reaching all your goals!

2 Comments »Freelance WritingOctober 22nd, 2009

Don’t Understand your Client? Ask for Clarification

From time to time I receive client requests that just don’t make sense. Whether it is me being dense or the client not being clear the fact of the matter remains the same: some sort of clarification is needed. If you do not understand what is being asked of you it is very important to clear things up before you move forward.

I don’t want to ask for clarification because it makes me look dumb. Nothing could be sillier than this. You should never use this excuse because it does not make any sense. Your client would rather have you admit that you are lost than to complete the job based on the wrong specifications. You don’t have to be rude or make yourself look bad when asking for clarification. Instead, explain that you do not totally understand what is being asked of you. Believe it or not, 99 percent of clients will do whatever it takes to make you better understand.

Try this tip: call the client instead of using email. No matter how hard I try there are times when I do not understand what a client is telling me. In this case, I get on the phone and ask the appropriate questions. It is a waste of time to send email after email when a quick phone call will allow both parties to get on the right track. Don’t be afraid to call your clients – this will show them just how much you care.

Anytime you are confused you need to ask your client for clarification. This may come before a project starts, or maybe as you are completing the job. When you know what is being asked of you it becomes much easier to complete the project with 100 percent success. 

1 Comment »Freelance WritingOctober 21st, 2009

Simple ways to Increase your Freelance Writing Income

So, you want to increase your freelance writing income? How many times a day do you think about this? Most freelance writers, including myself, are always looking for ways to take their income to the next level. The question is: what are the best ways of doing so?

Instead of overcomplicating things, I want to show you a few simple ways to increase your freelance writing income:

1. Take on more work. If you are being paid for more projects it goes without saying that you are going to earn more money. This may not be the ideal way of earning more money, but it is the method that most freelance writers turn to.

2. Ask for more money. Instead of finding new work you can simply ask your current clients for a pay raise. Some are afraid to do this, but it is not nearly as bad as you may think. On top of this, you may be surprised at how many of your clients like you enough to increase your pay rate.

3. Add other income streams. This may not be directly related to freelance writing, but it is definitely something to keep in mind. For instance, many freelance writers earn additional money by selling their own products, such as ebooks, through blogging, or with programs such as Google AdSense. Just because you are a freelance writer does not mean you have to avoid earning money in other ways.

Yes, these tips are very basic. That being said, they can really help you increase your freelance writing income. I hope you now see that earning more money is not a big secret or something that only a select few freelance writers can do. 

2 Comments »Freelance WritingOctober 20th, 2009

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