What do you do with your Freelance Writing Income?
Freelance writing is a great career for me because it is something that I enjoy. And of course, I would be lying if I said that I was not happy with my freelance writing income. With that in mind, what do you do with the money that you make as a freelancer?
Generally speaking, I would have to imagine that full-time freelance writers deal with income a bit differently than part-timers. After all, the money that I make is the only money that I have to live. If I was freelance writing on a part-time basis I would have the ability to combine this cash with income from another job.
For me, my freelance writing income is broken down into several categories. First and foremost, I pay my bills; this is something that has to be done, even if it is a pain in the neck. From there, I take a close look at how much money I have left from that particular month. This usually leads me to putting a certain percentage towards savings, while also keeping some for pocket change. After all, not all of your freelance writing income should go towards bills and savings. You want to have some fun, right?
No matter if you are a full-time or part-time freelance writer it would be interesting to hear how you break down your monthly income. My guess is that some part-timers probably use their entire freelance writing income for nothing more than entertainment related expenses. Maybe I should look into getting an office job? Although the additional money is tempting, don’t count on me heading back to the corporate world anytime soon!