What is the Best Work Schedule for you?
Over the past few weeks it seems that questions surrounding my freelance writing schedule have come up time after time. Many members of my course have been asking, as well as some others. Although my work schedule does not have to be the same as yours, this is definitely a good subject to look at more closely.
Before we go any further, keep this in mind: it may take awhile to find the best work schedule for you. Some freelance writers find the right schedule early in their career and do not change very often. Others switch from time to time as they try to get into a groove.
Personally, I enjoy waking up as early as possible. This allows me to get a lot of work done, and to feel as productive as possible. In most cases this means getting out of bed between 6 and 7 am. While this may sound early to some, once you are up and moving it really is not that bad.
Does this mean that I knock off eight hours later? Sometimes yes, sometimes no. Generally speaking, my work days last until the late afternoon – somewhere around 4 or 5 pm. Of course, this is not written in stone. There are times when I work straight through dinner because I am on a roll. You never know how you will feel as the end of the day closes in.
To find the best work schedule for you I suggest experimenting as much as possible. Try to get up early, try to get up late, and try everything in between. The more schedules you experiment with the better chance there is that you will find the one that is perfect for you.