Learn as you earn: Become a more successful Freelance Writer
When you land a new freelance writing job you are going to be as excited as ever. While you are completing the task, you should be interested in doing more than earning money. Along with getting paid, you want to think long and hard about how much you can learn. As the title says, you want to learn as you earn.
Here are three ways to learn as you are completing a freelance writing job:
1. Through your writing. As you write more and more you are going to become comfortable with your style, as well as what you are doing right and wrong. You should look at every piece of content that you create as a learning experience
2. What is your client telling you? Although you will run into some clients that are going to complain about every last thing you do, others offer feedback that you can implement into your day to day writing. It is very important that you take client feedback and use it to your advantage.
3. During the research process. For example, if you are writing a piece on “how file your income tax return†you may learn a lot about this process as well as other details such as what forms you need, how to receive a refund, etc. All of this information can then be used for future articles, or to pitch new ideas to your current client.
If you want to become a more successful freelance writer you should learn as much as you can as you are completing work for your clients.