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Agree on Project Details before Starting

Remember, freelance writers do more than write. One of your main tasks outside of writing is customer service. Within this, you need to make sure that you agree on project details with each client before moving forward. This may not sound important, but it is. If you and your client are not on the same page, you are more than likely causing problems for yourself down the road.

What project details should you agree on with your clients? In my opinion, there are two areas on which you should concentrate:

1. Price and payment. How much are you charging for the job, and when you are getting paid? This is an important detail to every freelance writer no matter the project. Do not be shy when it comes to discussing payment. It is better for both parties to know the exact fee and payment details before getting started. In an ideal scenario you will receive payment upfront when dealing with new clients. But in some cases you may have to negotiate on this.

2. What exactly are you doing for the client? Details can be misconstrued if you do not have the right conversation before starting. You need to collect information on what the client wants from you and then double check it with them before getting started.

For instance, a client may ask for a 500 word sales letter, send you the money, and then tell you to get started. And while this looks good on the surface, you still don’t know what they really want. What topic are you writing on? How many headlines and sub-headers are you supposed to use? Do you need to add images or graphs? These are all details that need discussed upfront so that you do not complete the project just to find that you were totally off base.

Believe it or not, most clients also want to agree on the above details before starting a project. Just as you do not want any delays or misunderstandings, they more than likely feel the same way. If you keep an open line of communications and concentrate on the two details above, you will get off on the right foot with each and every freelance writing project that you accept.

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