Confusion can kill a new Freelance Writer
Are you new to the wonderful world of freelance writing? If so, you probably know that getting on the right track early on is a big deal. Simply put, too much confusion can kill you as an aspiring freelance writer. There are going to be times when you don’t know what you are doing – this is to be expected. What you want to avoid is this happening too often.
It is not so much the confusion that will kill you; it is what comes next. When confused, some people will sit back, find an answer, and then move on. These are usually the freelance writers that achieve the most success. On the other hand, there are those who don’t know how to deal with confusion. Instead, they act like it does not exist and hope that it goes away. This is never the right thing to do. If you are confused about something you need to find an answer before you do anything else.
I will never be confused! This is something that most new freelance writers believe. Of course, they are usually wrong. I got confused by many details early in my career, and this still happens from time to time.
Everything from how to communicate with clients to receiving payments to sending invoices can be confusing. The good thing is that every situation, no matter what it may be, can be solved if you put your mind to it. Every question has an answer.
As a new freelance writer you will want to do everything right; the same will hold true as you gain some experience. If you are confused, find an answer before moving forward. A clear mind will help you reach all your goals soon enough.Â