Freelance Writing Course Update
With so much going on in the new year I forgot to post an update on my freelance writing course last month. Fortunately, a few readers were interested in joining and this prompted me to post an update on how things are going.
Even though the course has been pretty full for most of 2009, I do have two spots open at this time. In most cases, when I post that I have open spots they fill up within a day or two. So if you are interested in grabbing one of them I suggest that you send me an email as soon as possible. Of course, if you are a bit late I can always add you to the waiting list for next month.
As each month goes by the course evolves to suit the needs of my members. I have yet to change the overall structure of the course, but have been sure to add new content based on what is asked of me from current and past members. It is always good to receive feedback on any project, and this has helped immensely when it comes to my freelance writing course.
I have been quite pleased with the response so far this year, and hope to keep things rolling until December. As noted above, if you want to join there are currently two spots for the taking. Of course, if anybody has questions about the course before signing up I would be more than happy to answer them.