Freelance Writing Tip: 2/3/2008
Everybody needs some time away from their job, and this definitely holds true when it comes to freelance writers. Even if you feel comfortable working longer than normal hours, you still need to be very careful about what you are doing.
When I started out as a freelance writer I thought that working 12 to 14 hour days was the only way to succeed. While there is nothing wrong with hard work and persistence, this was bordering on crazy. Not only was I working these hours on weekdays, but I was doing the same thing on the weekend as well. Simply put, this was not good for my health, quality of life, or the work that I was producing.
When possible, I try to stick with 8 to 10 hour work days. Additionally, some of this time is not spend on writing, but instead on blogging and putting together new business ideas, etc. Time away from writing, even if you are still at your computer, can be a huge help. After all, you don’t want your ideas and mind to become stale and lead to sub-par work for your clients.
Overall, you should not be afraid to take time off from your freelance writing career. Just because you are working normal hours does not mean that you will miss the boat. Do yourself a favor and settle into a groove that you are comfortable with. From there, you will find it easy to work enough hours to get your work done, but not too much that you are being affected in a negative way.