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Small Steps towards a Big Freelance Writing Career

As a new freelance writer you probably have big plans for the future. Among the most common is taking control of your career, earning more money, and having a more flexible work schedule. While it is great to dream big, you don’t want to get ahead of yourself.

In my freelance writing course, I always tell students to take small steps. It may not seem like you are getting anywhere, but soon enough you will look over your shoulder and realize just how much progress you have made.

I want to earn $10k/month as a freelance writer. This is something I hear time and time again. While possible over the long haul, you should not expect this to happen overnight. Instead, you must take small steps day after day.

Which steps should I take? This depends on many factors including your current standing as a freelance writer, your future goals, and the amount of time you are devoting to your career.

As you can imagine, a full-time freelance writer has a better chance of reaching his/her goals quicker than a part-timer. However, this does not mean that part-time freelancers are at a disadvantage. Instead, you will have to take smaller steps spread out over a longer portion of time.

During my first month as a freelance writer I earned $52 dollars. By month three my total eclipsed $2k. It would have been nice to earn this much during my first month, but doing so was not possible. After 90 days, I looked at how far I had come and realized that small steps, one after the next, helped me reach one of my first income goals.

No matter if you are new to the world of freelance writing or some other career, you have to take small steps in order to achieve big time success.

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1 Comment »Freelance WritingJuly 27th, 2011

Join my Freelance Writing Course

For several months, my freelance writing course was full. As you can imagine, this made me a very happy person – I love helping people who are interested in following the freelance career path.

However, late last week a spot opened unexpectedly. For this reason, I wanted to make a quick post.

I don’t expect the spot to stay open for more than a day or so at the most. If you have any interest, feel free to shoot me an email. As always, it is “first come first serve.”

Looking forward to working with more of you guys and gals in the future!

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Comments OffFreelance WritingJuly 18th, 2011

Are your Freelance Writing Clients Satisfied?

As a freelance writer you are running a business. Your primary responsibility is to write compelling content, but this is not the only thing you should be worried about.

Are you sure that each and every one of your clients is satisfied with the work you are completing for them? If not, you need to check in with them to see where you stand.

It may sound bold, but there is nothing wrong with asking clients how they feel about your relationship with them. This will quickly give you a better idea of whether or not they are satisfied.

Is there a problem? Or is your client 100 percent satisfied? No matter the answer, you can always do better. Ask if there is anything, big or small, that you can do to strengthen the relationship. You may find that there are minor things you can do here and there to ensure an even higher level of satisfaction.

Finally, if you say you are going to do something make sure you follow through. There is no point in asking clients if they are satisfied if you don’t have any intention on working towards a solution.

It is easy to assume that every one of your clients is satisfied with your work and overall approach. But do you really know for sure?

There is no better time than now to ask clients how they feel about you. Hopefully you will hear that you are doing a great job.

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Comments OffFreelance WritingJuly 7th, 2011

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