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If you have yet to subscribe to I would love to have you onboard. My goal is to reach 500 subscribers by the end of the year, and I know that this is more than possible with your help. You can subscribe to my RSS feed in a reader, by email, or both!
What is the benefit of subscribing to First off, doing so allows you to stay up to date without taking the chance of missing a post. This is particularly true if you subscribe via email. All you have to do is check your email account once per day for the latest updates. Secondly, subscribers are the first ones to find out and have access to special information such as “The Full-Time Freelance Writer Report.â€
Right now I am sitting at 440 to 450 subscribers. A jump to 500 is more than possible within the next couple of months, and with your help I am sure that this goal will be reached by the time the calendar rolls over to 2009!