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Three Things every Aspiring Freelance Writer should do

Are you an aspiring freelance writer? Do you dream of going full-time in the near future? If so, you have to take the proper steps towards making this dream a reality. Some people talk a lot about becoming a freelance writer, but they are not doing what they should to make this happen. There are a lot of things you can do, and all of them are sure to help in some way, shape, or form. Remember, everybody starts their freelance writing career in a different manner. Trying to follow my path to success is not going to work for you. That being said, you can use some of the same tips to get on track.

Below are three things every aspiring freelance writer should do:

1. Create a list for getting started. Why not give yourself a written plan that you can follow from day one? This makes it easy to know where to go next while also charting your progress. Your list can include everything from setting up a home office to buying books on freelance writing and much more.

2. Have a business plan. Many people never put together a business plan because they feel it is a waste of time. I feel that having a business plan is essential if you are an aspiring freelance writer. Again, this will help to give you some direction. Your plan may change over time, but as long as you have an idea of what you are trying to accomplish you will be much better off than those who are simply “winging it.”

3. Ask why. Why do you want to be a freelance writer? Why do you feel that this is a good career for you? Why should anybody hire you? Make sure you answer these questions, as well as any others that fit this mold.

As you can see, I strongly believe that aspiring freelance writers should have a plan for the future. To go along with this, self-assessment is also very important. If you want to become a freelance writer and need help getting started, trying completing the three tasks listed above.

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2 Comments »Freelance WritingJuly 13th, 2009

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