Who Stumbles ChrisBlogging?
Since starting this blog, I have become well aware that StumbleUpon is a great service. After all, there are certain days when a post of mine gets Stumbled, which results in my traffic doubling at the very least. The question I have is: how do I know who is stumbling my content?
From checking out my stats it is easy to see what post has been stumbled, and how much traffic it has sent me. But more importantly, is there anyway for me to determine who did the stumbling? The reason I ask is that I would really like to return the favor if at all possible. I would hate to think that somebody has thought enough to recommend my posts time after time, but I do not even take the time to read their blog.
So, I ask: is there anyway for me to determine who is stumbling my posts? If there is no way of doing this, leave a comment or send an email letting me know who you are!