Working Sick as a Freelance Writer
There are some jobs when working sick is not that difficult. For instance, when I was in sales and had my own office, I could easily work sick. Sure, my day would go by slow and I would have to take more breaks than usual. But for the most part it was easy to make calls and set appointments even if I was under the weather. Unfortunately, doing so as a freelance writer is not the same.
Over the years I have found that to work effectively as a freelance writer I need to be on top of my game. It is better to take some time off when sick than to stick with things and hope that you get through the day. If you do this there is a good chance that your work is going to suffer. You are doing more than making phone calls. If your work suffers you are going to be able to see it in the words you write. To go along with this, clients will recognize the poor quality as well. Is that something you want?
Where do I draw the line? There are obviously different levels of sickness. Working with a cold is much different than sitting at your desk with the flu. You have to know when to forge ahead, as well as when to pack things in and call it quits for the day.
My advice is simple: if your work is going to suffer you are best off staying away from your computer for the time being. On the other hand, if you can do your job without compromising quality you may want to give it a go. Simply put, working sick as a freelance writer is more of a judgment call than anything else.