Writer’s Market for Freelance Writers
Anytime I am asked by an aspiring freelance writer how to get their career started, my answer usually contains the phrase “Writer’s Market†somewhere within it. Personally, this is the source that I used to find jobs when I was new to freelance writing, and for that reason I love everything that the service has to offer. With that being said, there are a couple of reasons that people do not want to use Writer’s Market.
1. They don’t know what Writer’s Market is, or what it has to offer. Believe it or not, this is true among advanced writers as well as beginners. If you do not know what Writer’s Market is all about, you should visit their website to find out more. Generally speaking, you can sign up as a member of Writer’s Market online service or you can buy their annual publication at most major bookstores; either way will work. The main benefit to a freelance writer is the information that is included on the thousands of publications in the United States. In addition to a list of publications, each one offers detailed information such as the editor’s name, how to submit a query, payment rates, etc.
2. You have to pay for Writer’s Market. This alone is one of the main reasons that many aspiring freelance writers do not use this service. I will never understand this way of thinking. Even when I was a new writer and my income was next to none, I still spent the money on this book. After all, if you want to make money as a freelance writer you need to know where to look; and that is exactly what Writer’s Market will do for you. As of late I have been using the online edition extensively thanks to its ease of use and convenience, as well as the low $29.99 annual fee. Of course, I have a print copy next to my desk as well.
If you are going to enter the freelance writing world, do so with a copy of Writer’s Market by your side. The information that you will have access to is sure to put you on an early path to success.